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ITEM NAME : Hematology Analyzer
Manufacture : Agappe
Model No. : Mispa-Count X
Device Condition : New
Ad ID : Sell-00569-1-2
Publication Date : 2023-11-05
Catalog Download : Download PDF
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  • Manufacture : Agappe
  • Model No. : Mispa-Count X
  • Country of Origin : India
  • Region & Governorate : All Governorates - 🛒
  • Comment :
  • 1 – 50 micron aperture for RBC\PLTs

    2 – 5 Discriminators in platelet histogram

    PLTs ags:

    P1 for probable platelets debris

    P2 for probable presence of schizocytes

    P3 for probable presence of Microcytes

    3 – 5 thresholds in WBC histogram

    WBC ags :

    L1 for probable lyse resistant RBCs or insufficient lysing

    L2 for probable Monocytosis

    L3 for probable Eosinophilia

    L5 for probable large immature cells (LIC)

    4 – RBC ags :

    R1 for microcytes

    (helps in determination of Iron Deciency Anemia)

    R2 for Macrocytes

    (helps in determination of vitamin B 12 Deciency Anemia)

    5 – Double count of cells

    6 – Quadra PTFE syringes

    7 – Electromagnetic solenoid valves

  • Hand over company engineer : Yes
  • Differential : 3 Diff
  • Device Condition : New
  • Warranty : Yes

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