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ITEM NAME : Hematology Analyzer
Manufacture : Agappe
Model No. : Mispa-Count Plus
Device Condition : New
Ad ID : Sell-00568-1-2-3
Publication Date : 2023-07-19
Catalog Download : Download PDF
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  • Manufacture : Agappe
  • Model No. : Mispa-Count Plus
  • Country of Origin : India
  • Region & Governorate : All Governorates - 🛒
  • Comment :
    • Technology & principle: Enhanced Electrical impedance for cell counting
    • Non Cyanide method for hemoglobin
    • Led based flow cytometery for Differential 
    • Performance at its best : Laser Emitting Diode (LED) based Flow Cytometer & Triple Counting Technology Which Offers Accurate and Precise results
    • 5 Part Differential Analyzer with 3 Histogram and Scatter Plot for WBC
    • 2D Differential Scatter Plot (Diff Scatter Plot) for 5 Part Differentials
    • 28 Test Parameters
    • Efficient System with throughput of 60 Samples / Hr
    • Low cost of operation and improved laboratory efficiency with Cyanide Free Reagent.
    • Quality results from as little as 15.6 µL of sample & pre diluted 20 µL
    • Patient Memory up to 35000 Samples
  • Hand over company engineer : Yes
  • Differential : 5 Diff
  • Device Condition : New
  • Warranty : Yes

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